This Week I Learned 1: Jekyll Basics

I’ll be doing weekly posts to recap the things I have learnt so far. It doesn’t always have to be coding / technical related posts, just things I have found to be interesting / helpful!


As a new user to Jekyll and Ruby, here’s a recap of what I learnt:

1. _drafts: store drafts (wow) without becoming posts.

To see them on your local site though, run

bundle exec jekyll serve --drafts

Resource: Youtube playlist

2. Changing the layout of the home (index) page

Currently using the Minimal Mistakes theme. I wanted the home page to be a posts with the years categorized.

  1. Change the index.html file to
    There should be no issues here; the index file has the same header layout as other md files
  2. Change the content of to suit your needs.
    In my case, it went from:
    layout: home
    author_profile: true


    title: "Posts By Year"
    layout: posts # this is the main change to make!
    author_profile: true

3. Embed pdf into jekyll pages

Wanted to post a pdf that people can view. Here’s a method that shows pdf files from your Google Drive!

  1. Go to your file and select Get Link

  2. Copy the link and edit it like this

    old_link =<filename>/view?usp=sharing
    # remove the view, change to preview
    new_link =<filename>/preview

4. Some important keywords

  1. “Wide” posts. Used in my titanic practice page!
    layout: posts
    title: My Titanic Practice
    permalink: /titanic
    classes: wide  # this is the important change
  2. Show your author profile sidebar on a page
    author_profile: true
  3. To get the search button on Minimal Mistakes Theme, go to your config.yml
    search: true # true, false (default)

5. Convert Jupyter Notebooks to Jekyll posts

This used to be very difficult and tedious. Luckily, someone came up with a library to solve it :). Introducing: jekyllnb! A quick guide / reminder:

  1. install it
    python -m pip install jekyllnb
  2. To use it on an existing notebook
    Use cmd in the location of the notebook
    python -m jupyter jekyllnb --site-dir docs --page-dir _posts --image-dir assets/images my_notebook.ipynb
    • All your new files will be stored in the docs folder.
    • The docs\_posts folder will contain your notebook converted to .md file
    • The docs\assets\images\my_notebook folder will contain all the images that are used in your notebook.
    • For a more comprehensive guide: read the docs
  1. Get emojis on jekyll! :relieved:


